This is the highest level MCIPS entry qualification and is the essential toolkit for anyone planning a career in procurement and supply. Developed and written using the Procurement and Supply cycle (key steps when procuring goods or services) as it’s focus, it is at the same level as the first year of an undergraduate degree course. This course is suitable for those in operational roles or those managing or supervising the procurement and supply function who want to develop their career and work towards MCIPS (Chartered Procurement and Supply Professional).
You will learn the fundamentals of procurement and supply within an organisation, and you will be equipped with an essential range of knowledge and tools that you can apply immediately in your workplace. Learn how to apply practical, theoretical and technical knowledge, gain a clear understanding of procurement and supply and develop the ability to address complex, non-routine problems.
This is the only entry point onto the CIPS Diploma qualifications. To register for the CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply, a minimum of Matric or at least two A-levels (or international equivalent) or a CIPS Level 3 Advanced Certificate qualification is required. Alternatively, you will need a minimum of two years’ relevant experience in a business environment to register.
Becoming a student member and undertaking CIPS qualifications will lead you all the way to the globally recognised MCIPS status. As aforementioned, there are entry level requirements for each qualification level, which have been predetermined by CIPS so to start studying towards a CIPS qualification you will first need to complete our student enrolment form via this link: and then pay the registration fees. We will then submit your CIPS registration application on your behalf. CIPS will then issue you a membership number that confirms your registration, the level at which you will begin your studies as well as the study programme and syllabus you will follow. Alternatively, you can do the CIPS registration process on your own via the CIPS website and then fill in the enrollment form to get started with your CIPS studies with us
To attain the CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply qualification you are required to complete a total of 60 credits i.e., 2 modules of 12 credits each and 6 modules of 6 credits each. One credit is equivalent to 10 hours of study. This means that you will need to pass 8 exams.
Two of the exams (the 12 credit modules) are in constructive exam format (essay type) and 6 exams (6 credit modules) are in Objective Response format (multiple choice type). The pass mark for Constructive Response modules (L4M1 and L4M8) is at least 50% and the the results are graded as follows: · Distinction 75 – 100% · Merit 60 – 74% · Pass 50 – 59% · Fail 0 – 49%. The pass mark for Objective Response exams (L4M2, L4M3, L4M4, L4M5, L4M6 and L4M7) is 70%
Depending on the nature and extent of your prior learning, you may be eligible for exemptions from one or more individual exams/ modules of this level. If you have failed a CIPS assessment for a particular module you are not permitted to apply for an exemption against this module for a period of two years from the date of the failed assessment.
For the CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply, only a maximum of 36 credits can be granted as exemptions. Qualifications awarded by non-UK institutions will be considered if they are recognised by the National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom (NARIC) as being equivalent to UK HE qualifications – check your qualification on
For more information about exemptions and how to apply for exemptions, please visit: and for more information about our class schedules, study options or if you have any question please email or WhatsApp/ call 0115686594