Terms & Conditions
These are the terms and conditions applicable to anyone who received a quotation/ invoice from us after 11 January 2024. For terms and conditions that were applicable before this period, please visit: https://contemporarytraining.co.za/terms-and-conditions/
Contemporary Training Terms and Conditions version 2024/01 (11 January 2024)
1. By enrolling with us or by making payment to us in accordance with the payment details or instructions provided on your quote or invoice, or to any of our banking details, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions contained herein.
2. All the terms and conditions contained herein are intended to be in accordance with South African laws and can be developed, interpreted, or read in conjunction with South African laws, specifically but not limited to the Electronic Communication and Transaction Act 25 of 2002, the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, and the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
3. ‘We’ or ‘us’ or ‘our’ refers to Contemporary Solutions Group or its Subsidiary Contemporary Training Pty Ltd or any of the aforementioned companies agents.
4. Client refers to anyone who we quote/ invoice and who pay us money based on that quote or invoice or anyone who enters into a payment agreement with us based on a quote or invoice we have issued.
5. Student or Candidate or You or Your refers to Client
6. We reserve the rights to change, modify, add to, or remove from portions or the whole of these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Changes to these Terms and Conditions will become effective upon such changes being posted to www.contemporarytraining.coza and a notification being sent to your email we have on our database. It is your responsibility to periodically check these Terms and Conditions, and should you continue to use our services for more than 7 days after any changes notification is sent to you, then you will be considered to have accepted to abide by and be bound to these Terms and Conditions including the changes/updates. If you do not agree with any changes notify us in writing immediately.
7. Enrolment for classes, a study option, a study package or for any of our services, is confirmed by signing a payment terms agreement, and/or paying the quoted or invoiced amount in full or in part.
8. Enrolment is deemed to be for the invoiced or quoted subjects, study option, study package or service: (a)for the current semester if no more than two classes have been conducted, and for the semester that follows if more than two classes have been conducted and/or (b) for the current or next possible registration/ or exam period or block.
9. For virtual classes, subject to clause 17 and 20 below, students can choose, postpone, defer, or alter the semester they want to enrol in for a certain subject prior to class start dates and at least 5 days before the third class session, but only by notifying us via email and receiving an acknowledgement of their email from us.
10. Contemporary Training has the right to postpone classes if the enrolment for that particular class is less than 2 students.
11. Refunds can only be paid to the account which paid us or to another account if there is signed written request by the owner or representative of the owner of the account that paid us.
12. Students can cancel their class enrolment and get a refund without being charged a penalty, only if the cancellation and refund request is done in writing at least 5 days prior to class start dates indicated on the class schedules. Students who cancel class enrolment outside the aforementioned cancellation period will generally not be refunded. At our discretion a refund may be paid after deducting a cancellation penalty which will be determined by us after taking into consideration the relevant circumstances. This clause only applies to virtual classes enrolments.
13. Subject to 14 and 15 below, generally no refunds will be entertained for CIMA FLP, CIPS, Self-study options/ packages (access to any learning portal) once processes or any action to grant the student access or to register the student on the learning platform, study package or study portal have been initiated. Such processes are normally immediately initiated after receipt of proof of payment or a signed payment agreement form or funds into our bank account.
14. As an exception, a student may get a refund only if such a refund has also been allowed by CIMA or any of our partners in the provision of the relevant learning portal or study platforms.
15. CIMA FLP, ACCA, Short/ Skills courses, Corporate training and CIPS enrolment cancellations will always incur a cancellation penalty and/or an administration fee of at least 20% of the invoiced or quoted amount plus the cost of any services already provided or availed to the student. The actual cancellation penalty or administration fee will be calculated and/or determined by us.
16. The Client remains solely responsible to ensure that they are registered with professional bodies, at the right level/ entry point/ subject/ assessment, on time and that all assessment /exam fees have been remitted to the relevant examining body by the due date prior to any exams.
17. The ability to postpone/ defer or change semesters is limited by the fact that a CIMA candidate has the following timeframes from date of enrolment to attend classes after which they will have to request a new quote and enrol afresh.
Timeframes within which a student has to utilise the fees they paid or are supposed to pay
Number of subjects enrolled – Time Period
1 subject – Up to 8 Months
2 subjects – Up to 12 Months
3 or 4 subjects – Up to 18 Months
more than 4 subjects – Up to 30 Months
8 Subjects – Up to 36 months
For CIPS Ruby or Opal packages the period is 18 months.
18. Students would have forfeited their studies, classes fees, study option fees , or their study package fees and exam fees if they do not attend classes or take exams within the above timeframes in clause 17. The student has the same above timeframes to utilise any Body exam fees, from date of enrolment. Students will forfeit their exam fees if they are not utilised within the above timeframes unless an extension was requested in writing and was granted.
19. If there are material adverse exchange rates fluctuations, or any fee increases before your professional Body fees are remitted to your professional body, we may contact you to top up or pay the difference and such fees will only be remitted after you have topped up the required amounts.
20. If a student cancels their studies, postpones their studies, or forfeits their studies any outstanding invoiced amounts will still need to be settled by the student.
21. All clients aggrieved by anything must 1st exhaust all our internal dispute resolution/ complaints resolution mechanisms. If still not satisfied, clients can then approach the relevant South African Consumer bodies or council for Mediation and/or Arbitration. Parties can also agree on an independent arbitrator. Clients can only institute legal proceedings only if they are still aggrieved after arbitration or if there is reasonable honest disagreement on the appointment of an arbitrator.
22. Any compliments/ complaints should be directed to info@contemporarytraining.co.za , should you not be happy with the feedback or resolve please escalate to samuel@contemporarytraining.co.za and thereafter to farai@contemporarytraining.co.za
23. By enrolling with us, you are agreeing to receiving regular updates from us through data messages including but not limited to email, phone calls and sms. You can opt out by notifying us via info@contemporarytraining.co.za
24. Our services and privacy policy can be accessed on our website www.contemporarytraining